Supported Living
I love my beautiful HOME…Maxcare’s Supported Living provides individuals with 24/7 support in one of our large attractive homes. Our residences are located in beautiful areas throughout Albuquerque, including the Historic Old Town area, Four Hills, Historic Pill Hill, and the Monticello Community. The homes are shared with 2 to 3 other housemates, each with their own bedrooms, who have similar challenges. Maxcare, Inc. provides a wide range of services, including training in personal and socials skills as identified by comprehensive assessments and the Individual Service Plan, community integration, independent living skills, health and safety, education on client rights and advocacy, as well as many other services. Each home has friendly and dedicated staff to assist the individuals with medication, meal preparation, shopping, personal hygiene, laundry, transportation to medical appointments, day programs, activities in the community, work, special weekend events, and individual and group vacations in or out of New Mexico.